Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Presentation #1

I really like ancient art because anybody can understand and it is talking about facts and stuff the happened not some lines that is drawn and everyone understand it in his way which made me think of presenting on an ancient artists but the problem is that ancient arts are known by the name of the king of that time and the name of the artist is not mentioned at all. So I chose to present on king Ramses II of ancient Egypt (reigned 1279 BC – 1213 BC) and the artistic things that belong to him because he is one of the most remarkable ancient Egyptian kings as he had a lot of victories also most of the Egyptians know him because he has many statues.    Most of his statues are really giant and tall which was to show how great he was.
King Ramses II statue in cairo

Most of his statues are really giant and tall which was to show how great he was. I also liked how it was sculptured perfectly and very well detailed even the writings on his belt and on his shoulder. 

Abu-sibmel temple. Abu-sibmel temple was built at Ramses II time. It is one of the biggest temples of ancient Egypt and it is sculptured in a mountain which was really hard to do with the tools that was used at that time. It is a really huge temple that contains huge statues.
Abu-sibmel temple amazing view and its artistic location in a mountain and surrounded by water and sand.
Sun rays shines on King Ramsis II head in Abu-sibmel temple only two times a year on February 21 which is his birthday and on October 22 which is the date of his coronation. That happens every year for more that three thousand years.
King Ramsis II marble statue in the Louver museum


                Marble is a material that is very hard to shape or sculpture  because it is very rough especially  if you are using old tools. What I think is magnificent is that is the face of the statue have a really smooth surface which is could be done easily with marble on a flat surface like a table but very hard to do on a face that have curves and wavy even with our modern equipment.                                         

King Ramsis II statue in the British museum
King Ramsis II and his wife Nefertari marble statue in Turin                 This statue is very glorious and really amazing as I mentioned before it is hard to do with marble and harder to have it very detailed.
Queen Nefertari's tomb        It is very colorful and has great  paintings about her life and her after life judgment. Again these painting and colors are more than three thousand years old and didn't disappear.
It has really amazing colors and a lot of Hieroglyphic letters that is what I call the ancient origin of Graffiti.
In this picture you can see that it is not just painted it is also sculptured on the wall. Again you can tell what she is doing with out knowing what is written on the wall and that is what I love about ancient art because it is great and simple that any body can get without thinking a lot about it.

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