Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A blog account

I've just created a blog account


  1. Remix Culture Lecture Notes
    Remixing videos has been a popular activity in many different places around the world also around the nation. As we watched youtube videos about remixes in different places the first one was in Michigan and the second was in San Francisco also the third was in Brooklyn. All of these videos display creative ways in which many people sing the same song without focusing on one person like the first video we saw which is called "The Grand Rapids Lipdub" which literally had every single person in the community either dance or sing. I think it was beyond that great 10 minutes video a huge effort and it made the whole community to come closer. Another thing is that they brought and old song in a new way which was their own with respecting the copyright policy that Julian Sanchez mentioned in the second video which is a very important case that comes up after publishing and posting things on the internet became so easy that came that community the chance to make a video like that and share it with people for free which was not available in the past, also Glenn mentioned how easy and important is the post button that gave the chance to this generation to share many things with people.

  2. Second week lecture notes
    Last Tuesday we talked about 3 million years of art in 150 minutes. Art is classified into four eras: ancient, middle, renaissance, and modern. The lecture was mostly concentrated on the ancient art which has many sections like prehistory, ancient near east, Egypt, Agean, Greece, Etrucasn, Roman. Then the middle era which is like Early Christianity, Islam, Early Middle Ages, Romanesque 11th-12th c, and Gothic. After that the Renaissance era like Renaissance 15th-16th c, and Baroque 17th-18th. The last thing we talked about was the modern like the 19th century, 20th century, 21st century, and Beyond. My favorite era is the ancient era as they had built many things full of art recording their history.

  3. Reality
    What is Reality? Does reality have to be something physical that we can touch or can it be a feeling we get when we think about something or someone. In class we watched two movie clips that focused on reality vs. dream state. Sometimes when we are dreaming we think that it is real because we do not know we are dreaming. The Matrix was a movie that talks about an imaginary life in the computer in which they can do impossible things in the computer programs. If life as we know it was a dream would you want to know the truth? Several years later Inception came out. Another movie based on a dream vs. real world situation. Inception has you thinking at the end of the movie, if Cobb was living in a dream or reality. The second time around when I watched this movie again I realized the ending was designed for the audience to conclude their own ending for the movie. Both movies are very similar in the essence that someone or something else is controlling your thoughts while you are asleep. The movies bring up a lot of questions that will probably not be answered anytime soon?

  4. Leonardo Da Vinci

    Leonardo was born on April 15th, 1452 in a small town near Florence, Italy. An Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, engineer, and one of the most talented people alive. Then he moved to the city of Florence with his family where he received the best education that Italy could offer. He advanced quickly intellectually and socially. By 1472 he was entered in the painters guild of Florence, more people began to know about him and his art. In 1478 Leonardo became an independent mater. His first large painting was called the "Adoration of the Magi". His paintings Last Supper & Mona Lisa are the most popular and influential paintings of the Renaissance. Leonardo was extremely talented and very creative. He applied creativity to everything he painted this is how he became successful and his paintings were so amazing in every way.

    Pablo Picasso

    Pablo Picasso was born on October, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. His father was a painter and a professor of art at the School of Crafts and the curator of a local museum. Picasso began to pick up all the basic things from his father he also attended the Academy of Arts in Madrid, but he dropped out within a year of joining it. Picasso began painting at the age of 10 & he made his first paintings, and at 15 he performed brilliantly on the entrance examinations to Barcelona's School of Fine Arts. In 1907, Picasso painted on of his most important works called "Les Demoisellees d' Avignon. He then created an art movement called Cubism. This allowed artist to show his model from different viewpoints. Picasso died on April 8, 1973 in France everyone remembers him best as co-founder of cubism and for Cubist workers. Also, Spanish painter and sculptor considered the greatest artist of the 20th century. He was unique as an inventor of forms, also had different styles and techniques, as a master of various media, and as one of the most prolific artists in history. He created more than 20,000 paintings.

  5. Thomas Eakins verses Jean-Antoinc Wattean

    Artist Thomas Eakins and Jean-Antoinc Wattean are very amazing and interest artists. They well understood the usage of the lines and applied on their artworks: ‘The Biglin Brothers Racing’ and ‘The Embarkation for Cynthera’. These artworks base on the lines toward movement and direction gave the audience strong impressions. Artist Thomas used many horizontal lines and diagonals in his artwork ‘The Biglin Brothers Racing’. A ship, sea, and the boundary between sea and mountain have drawn basing on horizontal lines; and the skyscraper, people’s arms, and paddle has drawn basing on diagonals. Unlike Thomas’s artwork, Jean’s artwork ‘The Embarkation for Cynthera’ has a curved line upon the crowd of people who is waiting or going toward the ship. It calls the audience’s attention toward the sitting couple on bottom of picture where the line started. It also led the audience to track the line. Both Artist Thomas and Jean-Antoinc’s artworks are based on the direction and movement. People from their artworks are facing and going toward one direction like men in ‘The Biglin Brothers Racing’ shipping towards the harbor and people in ‘The Embarkation for Cythera’ walking toward the ship.

  6. Lecture Notes
    We talked about different artists and about their works and how they were rejected by people at their time because the ideas that they presented were new and different to what people normally thought of, but after a long time these artists and their works became legends. Another artist that we talked about and took my attention was Marina Abramovic who is a performance art artist after we saw videos about her I found that she is performing her thoughts of facing your fears so you could be limitless. I think that her thoughts are great but the way she is performing it is very dangerous a and I disagree with it because if she died while performing as people where going to shot her, cut her hair and raping her in a performance that she did before, but I think that there are a lot of things that people fear that can’t be performed like jumping from a mountain which made me think that Marina won’t do this dangerous things if it didn’t attract people. I think being limitless it how you control yourself in everything like thought so nobody will make you think what they want you to think also controlling when you eat or drink will make you limitless so you won’t do what is abnormal but what makes you do what is in your mind even your body can’t stop you.

  7. Graffiti
    We watched a video about Graffiti around the world and how it started in New York and then it spread in many countries like Brazil, Germany, Spain, Japan, South Africa England, and France. I personally think that Graffiti is not wrong when it is all about art and not targeting a person, also when it is on public property which is for the people or when it is done in terms of protesting like the one was in South Africa that supported Mandela and his movement. The kind of Graffiti I’m talking about is the one that has creativity and can express a message also when it is like a beautiful painting on the walls like the one in Berlin. My favorite Graffiti that I liked and was beautiful to me was in South Africa and France and these ones. The Los Angeles one was the one that I didn’t like because it was only about name tagging which doesn’t look like art only chaos because it doesn’t show any beauty and only gangsters uses and they write on houses and private properties which would me the most annoying thing to me.

  8. #1 project
    Last Friday I did the first project for this class and it was spending a night without electricity. It was a really hard night as the only source of light that you can use was a candle but what really made it hard was that I couldn’t use any electric device which I found out that I can’t live without and that I’m kind of addicted to that internet. I discovered that that environment that has no distraction would make creativity and productivity much easier that people could produce pieces that would be impossible for any normal person can produce. That is why the most of the artists like to stay away from people to think of the ideas that they can present. Another thing is that that environment could help the person to discover his talent and to invent many thinks that people in the past invented and now we are using it.
